
The success of PACPATH will come with local actors and policy makers early in the project. For that purpose, the project puts end-users are at the center of the organization. A specific governance including indigenous and local representatives at all stages, and the Science-Society Council will orient research and resource allocation. The decision making process will be funded on four local workshops in Fiji and New Caledonia that will include a large panel of local end-users, with specific resources to support local travel fees and the implication of students as ambassadors of the project.


The Science-Society Council (SSC)

The SSC is composed of ~25 members: the project and WP coordinators and co coordinators, one USP academic representative, one SPC representative, institutional representatives from academics, governments, local and indigenous authorities and four student representatives from UNC and USP.

The SSC role is to provide strategic advice on new or corrective actions to be implemented within the project. It is composed so that it benefits from a broad range of viewpoints and societal needs.

SSC members:
  • Management and Monitoring Team members as listed below
  • SPC representative: Katy Soapy
  • USP representative: Brian Stockwell
  • UNC representative: Valerie Burtet
  • SPREP representative: Nicolas Rocle
  • Government of New Caledonia: TBN
  • North Province of New Caledonia: Ambre Diazabakana
  • Loyalty Province of New Caledonia: Dominique Taine
  • South Province of New Caledonia: Emmanuel Coutures
  • Customary Senate of New Caledonia: Hughes Vhemavhe
  • USP ambassador student: Jasha Dehm
  • USP ambassador student: Salanieta Kitolelei
  • UNC ambassador student: Lucie Gosset
  • UNC ambassador student: Maxime Duphil

The Management and Monitoring Team (MMT)

The MMT is composed of the WP leaders and co-leaders. They are in charge of implementing the actions and pay a specific attention to cross-fertilisation between WP’s. They will prepare their own WP report (advancement report, deliverable, risk analysis…) for the SSC. They will implement the decision taken by the decision-making level. WP0 leaders will specifically manage the administrative and financial coordination and the project monitoring and reporting.

MMT members:
  • WP0 lead; Alexandre Ganachaud; LEGOS, Noumea, New Caledonia
  • WP0 co-lead; Satalaka Petaia; USP, Fiji
  • WP0 co-lead; Jérôme Aucan; SPC-PCCOS, Noumea, New Caledonia
  • WP1 lead; Karina Von Shuckman; Mercator Ocean International, France
  • WP1 co-lead; Elisabeth Holland; USP, Fiji
  • WP2 lead; Louis Celliers; Climate Service Centre Germany (GERICS), Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany
  • WP2 co-lead; Sebastian Ferse; ZMT Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research, Bremen, Germany
  • WP3 lead; Heath Kelsey; Future Earth Coasts, Univ of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge, MD, USA
  • WP4 lead; Pierre-Yves Le Meur; SENS, Noumea, New Caledonia
  • WP5 lead; Maria Manez Costa; Department of Climate Impact and Economics (GERICS), Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany
  • WP5 co-lead; Maraja Riechers; Faculty of Sustainability, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany